The Association of Young Scientists and Innovators launched the first Summer Coding Institute with a member orientation meeting on May 24th. The Summer Coding Institute is AYSI's response to the global coronavirus pandemic, enabling students 6th-8th grade to learn the fundamentals of programming and artificial intelligence.
AYSI's Summer Coding Institute aims to provide students with a unique opportunity to explore cutting edge topics in computer science and artificial intelligence - conducted on a virtual platform. Our vision is to empower young students not just with technical skills but also with the mindset of “innovating for impact." The program teaches the fundamentals of programming and artificial intelligence to students and pushes them to consider how they can apply knowledge to community problems. The AYSI Summer Coding Institute kicked off with an information session on April 25th with around 240 registrants. Since then nearly 220 students are now fully enrolled in the 8-week program. Additionally, AYSI has granted 21 financial aid scholarships to registered members, granting them full and free access to the program's resources. AYSI's goal is to bring AI education to everyone, breaking the barrier between those who can learn and those who can't. Through sponsors AYSI is aiming to grant scholarships to all students in need, opening the program up to everyone. Powering the program at its roots is a group of devoted sponsors. AYSI is delighted to take on Ams AG, the ACP Foundation, and the CAST Association as sponsors and supporters to the program and AI education as a whole. The Summer Coding Institute also includes lectures taught by MIT, Caltech, Columbia, Stanford, and UT students. The program also includes guest lecturers from the Mark Cuban Foundation. The officers at AYSI are extremely grateful for the support and quick growth of the 2020 Summer Coding Insitute, hoping to teach students how to turn ideas into products with computer science.