On August 1st, AYSI-SCI students, teachers, officers, judges, and sponsors gathered for our finalist presentations awards ceremony. The event concluded the 2020 AYSI Summer Coding Institute, honoring our students' hard work and thanking all the people who made this amazing event possible. Listed below are the award winners from our 4 week long Competition Program. BEST IN SHOW (Cash prize of $1000) S32: Endangered Species Classifier Evan Yu, Michael Zheng, and Alex Cheong FIRST PLACE JUNIOR DIV (Cash prize of $200) J24: Covid-19 Clinic App Carah Su and Ellen Zulkarnain FIRST PLACE SENIOR DIV (Cash prize of $300) S7: Soap Underwater Detection System (SUDS): A Neural Network for Dishwasher Water Conservation Ethan Zhao, Aaron Liu, Alan Zhao SECOND PLACE JUNIOR DIV (Cash prize of $100) J8: Trace it!- A COVID-19 contact tracing app J16: OurMovies J18: App That Aides to Detect Plagiarism J26: MediLinked J37: House Stability Detector SECOND PLACE SENIOR DIV (Cash prize of $200) S1: Alert System for Reducing Occurrences of Car Accidents Related to Driver-Related Mistakes S15: Arch A-Eye S18: Detecting Underage Alcohol Consumption in a Non-Intrusive Manner Using Deep Learning S22: Fast Violence Detection Through Deep Learning THIRD PLACE JUNIOR DIV J4: Book App J6: Music Buddy J10: Family Finder J28: Hydraulic Flume Simulation THIRD PLACE SENIOR DIV S26: An Application for Quick Classification of American Sign Language via Deep Learning Image Recognition S5: Predicting House Prices by Linear Regression S4: Pocket Recycler: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Recyclables Classification S25: Classifying Skin Diseases via Artificial Neural Networks FOURTH PLACE JUNIOR DIV J11: Carbon Dioxide Reduction J20: The Dog Dictionary J21: Covid-19 Case Tracker and Comparison Calculator J23: Grade Face ID J33: Happiness Game J39: EduProject FOURTH PLACE SENIOR DIV S2: SnapCycle S6: DeepFake Photoshop Image Detector Using Convolutional Neural Networks via Deep Learning S10: Shield Covid S24: Second View Alzheimer's Disease Recognition S29: Low-Maintenance Method of Detecting Mask Wearing in a Public Area via Machine Learning and Computer Vision S31: Tracking Phone Usage to Help Users Increase Productivity RISING STARS AWARDS Karl Hui Oscar Li Hollis Lin Clement Wang HONORABLE MENTIONS JUNIOR DIV J7: Nnews J27: Using MIT App Inventor to Help Students Manage Stress Using Problem-Based Coping J5: Kids Adventure J29: Obesitysolve J22: Secure Messenger App J38: Expired Products J34: Dangerous Animal Classification Tool J30: The Way of the Sensors J12: Tax Estimator J32: Gardening App J15: Learning App J35: Improving and maintaining mental health through music J36: The SOS Emergency App J19: Fade J17: Book Finder J9: Meal Suggestor HONORABLE MENTIONS SENIOR DIV S16: Heart Health App S27: Detecting Phishing Emails/SMS Texts with Machine Learning S11: Neural Network-Based Speech-To-Text System with Identification of Stuttering S3: Identification of Fake New S28: Food Identification App S9: Distinguishing Poison Ivy From Similar Three-Leaved Plants Through Deep Learning Image Classification S8: Face Space: A Free, Accessible Program for Facial Detection S21: COVID-19 Prediction Congratulations to all of our competitors and award winners!